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Wednesday, April 20, 2022
By Charlotte Reagan
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I really liked the movie, although I'm admittedly biased whenever Timothee Chalamet is involved. So when I heard it was a book, I got really excited.

And then I found out soooo many people have an issue with CMBYN. Honestly, I just like books and movies and music for the fact that they are books and movies and music. I'm not a critic, or a journalist, or full of opinions about one line of literature or dialogue to twist my like of it. I just want to enjoy things.

Still, I avoided the book for a long time just because of the reviews it had generated, claiming it wasn't a love story between two men, but of two men being in love with themselves.

Honestly, I don't know what people were on about. I thought it was a freaking lovely book.

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