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Wednesday, December 22, 2021
By Charlotte Reagan
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I've been focusing a lot on Christmas this month instead of other holidays, but mostly because that's the one I'm familiar with this time of year. Christmas can be complicated when you're queer. Enough of us don't get to go home to warm loving families, or ones who are accepting of our partners. It can be tricky.

If you're home alone, watch some off-season movies, eat some non-American food (Chinese places, for example, are usually open), and hopefully chill from friends. Also, check out this resource from the LGBT Foundation. 

Need to Survive The Holidays With Your Family? This article has you covered.

Are you an Ally and want to know more about being queer during the holidays? Check this out. Here is another good resource from the HRC.

And as always, if you're just really missing your mom around this time, reach out to Your Holiday Mom, a group of women giving queer people as much of a home as they can.

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